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Get Ready for Black Friday

Get Ready for Black Friday

As a business owner, you will be very aware that the busiest day of the year for online and offline retail is fast approaching: Black Friday. This year, it falls on the 25th of November. You might already have some Black Friday plans underway, but he...
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Can Outsourcing Save You Money?

Can Outsourcing Save You Money?

In the current financial climate of rising inflation and spiralling costs of living, many businesses are looking for ways to streamline their expenses without sacrificing growth. Outsourcing may be the answer. It offers a cost-effective way to use de...
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SMS Marketing: How it Can Help Your Business

SMS Marketing: How it Can Help Your Business

SMS is an abbreviation for short message service, better known as text messaging. Although SMS is most commonly used for personal communications, businesses are quickly realising that it’s also a powerful marketing tool that can complement an exist...
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Why is my website not converting?

Why is my website not converting?

Ultimately, every company website aims to convert visitors to paying customers. But, as you may have found out for yourself, that’s not as easy as it sounds. Why? Well, there isn’t a straightforward answer. Your conversion rate relies on multiple...
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An Agency or Freelancers: Which is Right For Your Business?

An Agency or Freelancers: Which is Right For Your Business?

Here at Zesty Digital, we decided to build a digital marketing agency as we believe it provides the best service to our clients in the hospitality, retail and medical spaces. While freelancers can be right for some projects, businesses must consider ...
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Which Marketing Methods Are Best For Your Business?

Which Marketing Methods Are Best For Your Business?

No matter how good your business is, if your target customers don’t know you exist – you’ll never get off the ground. That’s why marketing is vital for companies of all sizes in every industry. Ultimately, the aim of marketing is to get y...
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How to gain customer trust with reviews

How to gain customer trust with reviews

Complementing our blog on cart abandonment prevention, being highly rated by past and present customers will help you increase your new customer base. When a new customer visits your website it’s likely that they have never heard of your business b...
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Google Analytics 4: What You Need to Know

Google Analytics 4: What You Need to Know

You’re probably already familiar with Google Analytics, the platform that helps you track all the essential metrics about how visitors behave on your website. The current version is Google Analytics 3, known as Universal Analytics. However, Google ...
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What is cart abandonment, prevention and recovery?

What is cart abandonment, prevention and recovery?

Do you ever visit the supermarket and witness someone leaving their full shopping trolley in the middle of the aisle? You may have, but it’s quite rare because they don’t have many distractions in that environment causing them to do so. In an ide...
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Apple: Email Marketing Analysis

Apple: Email Marketing Analysis

Apple is no doubt one of the largest companies on the planet. With it being valued over $3 trillion, having more than 500 stores and over 165,000 employees as of the third quarter of 2022, we thought we’d dive into how email marketing is utilised b...
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