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Reputation – Platform Overview

We’ve had the pleasure of working with a lovely Peak District pub recently, and we’ve been working with a powerful piece of software called Reputation.

We think Reputation would be helpful to a large part of our audience, so in this blog, we will share its key features and why we like it (we don’t receive an affiliate fee from this, we do just genuinely rate it!).

What is Reputation?

In its own words…

“Reputation is the only software that manages consumer feedback from acquisition to loyalty.”

In a nutshell, it’s an all-in-one platform that shows you customer feedback from multiple sources around the internet. You can get an idea of the overall sentiment towards your brand at a glance or drill down into the metrics to analyse it more deeply.

This kind of tool can help you:

  • Drive up customer satisfaction by listening to your customers and responding where appropriate
  • Grow your presence by being visible on multiple platforms, even though you’re dealing with just one
  • Address causes of common complaints or experiences reported by customers (don’t underestimate this one – in most cases, you never find out why a customer is unhappy; they simply don’t return)
  • Create a following of loyal customers who see your responses and feel heard


Key Features

Let’s look at some of the standout features of Reputation and how it can help hospitality, healthcare, and retail businesses improve.

●     It links up online business profiles from different platforms

Reputation links up feedback from everywhere your business is online, including Facebook, Google and Trip Advisor.

●     You can respond to reviews directly from Reputation

When you review your feedback, you don’t need to leave Reputation to go hunting around online. You can reply to customers directly from within the app.

●     It compares you against the industry average on a scale and best in class

See how you compare to others in your industry and check out their strengths and weaknesses via the app. You can even analyse your competitors’ performance insights for an in-depth comparison. Reading customer opinions of other businesses in your industry can help you identify where you’re performing well or need to improve.

●     The platform scores you on how well you’re doing

The better the reviews and the faster you respond to customers and deal with any complaints, the better your score becomes. Simplifying performance in this way makes the app so easy to use and allows you to see your progress quickly and easily.

  • It gives insights into how you can increase your score

Not only does Reputation give you a performance score, but it also tells you how to improve. You can then turn the recommendations into trackable business goals and have real-time feedback on how your interventions are working.

What else does Reputation do?

This app has an impressive range of functions. Its ticketing platform allows you to automate responses, bring all queries together into one centralised queue, and access built-in reports to monitor your team’s performance.

We also love Reputation’s survey feature. You can build a survey and share it with customers through their preferred channels to boost response rates, analyse survey results directly in the app, and even tailor survey paths depending on how the user answers.

And finally, we like how Reputation integrates with your existing tech stack, linking with Hubspot, Salesforce, Microsoft and more.

This app is already pretty popular, and according to Reputation’s website, it has 80% of the UK’s largest pub operators as customers. It also caters for healthcare businesses, helping providers to deliver personalised interactions to make their patients feel valued. Increasing your ratings across platforms reassures patients that you provide a reliable and safe service.

If you’re interested in trying Reputation but just don’t have the time to take on another digital platform, we can do it for you. We’ll get you up and running in no time; get in touch for an informal chat.

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