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Back to Basics: Organic Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a vital component of any digital marketing strategy, and most businesses appreciate the need to be visible on socials. However, a lot of the time, brands focus on paid social media ads – and with good reason. Ads essentially ‘buy’ you space in people’s newsfeeds, so your products or services get seen.

But what happens when someone sees your ad and thinks they’ll just check out your social media account before they buy…

What they see can be the difference between winning or losing the sale.

It’s a bit like someone liking what they see as they walk by a shop window, so they stop, open the door, and step inside. If they find dusty shelves with dated products on the shelves and no one around, they’ll turn straight back around. If your ad is the shop window, don’t scare them off with outdated content or a dusty, neglected page when they come to find out more.

Top Tip #1: Post regularly and consistently to all your social media channels.

A solid, consistent social media presence props up your brand so people who come looking can quickly see who you are, what you do, and why they should buy from you. An ad might get their attention, but your regular posts earn their trust.

And it’s not just about posting. Engagement is also a crucial part of organic social media strategy. One of the unique features of social media is that it gives you direct (free!) access to customers.

Top Tip #2: Don’t be spammy! People know when they’re being sold to. Just show up with the intention of being helpful and adding value.

Join in conversations, get to know your customer base and other companies in your space, and show your business as a helpful, positive energy online.

Some social media platforms might be a better fit than others, so play around and see what works for your business. We find that Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook are particularly good for engagement.

We’d also suggest joining Facebook groups where your customers hang out. Most cities and towns in the UK have at least one Facebook group (sometimes a lot more) full of local residents. While most don’t allow random promotional posts (and we wouldn’t suggest doing this anyway), they do permit business posts on a specified day of the week.

Top Tip #3: Don’t go in with the hard sell.

Take the time to identify large, active groups popular with your potential customers. Make a note of when each group allows promotional posts and schedule posts to go out to them on those days.

As with any other sales approach, you want to avoid bombarding people or putting them off with spammy sales techniques. Use these group posts to add value and hook people in with special offers or exclusive discounts for group members.

Top Tip #4: Think outside the box. What else can you do through organic social media marketing?

  • Post a QR code into your local groups and ask people to leave you a review, with entry into a free prize draw or a discount for those who do.
  • Display QR codes for customers to scan and check in to your business on social media. Position them strategically in places where they’ll get people’s attention. You could offer a discount or other incentive for everyone who checks in (or for the 100th person to check in, for example).
  • Set up Instagrammable backdrops with photo props around your businessto encourage visitors to post photos to their socials (make sure your branding is clearly visible!).

These tips and suggestions will help boost your social media presence, but it’s one thing knowing what to do and another having the time and know-how to do it. If you want support managing your social media accounts and raising your online profile, get in touch.

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